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Listed below all my services and after those you may read about me and my approach to my work. Just scroll down! Appoinments by e-mail: or by sms 041 5078279.

Spiritual coaching


Coaching is a holistic process where the coach supports and encourages the client to see his own reality as it is. The goal is to open up the mind, broaden perspectives and clarify clients deepest personal values.


Individual support and guidance helps the client to apply his own new insights to his daily life. During meetings, there is a safe space for any possible experiences, thoughts, sensations and feelings to arise. Spiritual coaching supports the client in present life situations, helps understanding the past and mapping out future. Talking as well as appropriate tools, methods and practices are used.


Looking at our own situation with radical honesty and being seen and heard makes space for new and helps my clients to find some hidden resources within: power, courage, joy and trust. 


You may come to coaching at any time and for many reasons. Perhaps you just want to understand and get to know yourself better. Perhaps you want to connect with your deeper self and gain a sharper vision of what is going on in your life. Perhaps you are going through some kind of crisis or you simply feel your life is stagnant and don't know why and what to do next.


Your coach will get to the roots of the challenge and help you to understand yourself from within. This can make life changing impact on you. Committing to coaching regularly supports your life in its all aspects.


Price: 110€/90 min. or 500€/5 sessions

Couples coaching


The quality of our relationships is directly related to the quality of our lives. Couples coaching supports and strengthens the relationship. It can be preventative or it can help during a very challenging period when one feels it is impossible to move on without support from outside. To take care of intimate relationships does not mean that there are problems in the relationship. It means that both parties are interested in finding out more about themselves and about their relationship. That kind of curiosity is essential for a relationship to blossom. 

It is normal and needed that there are crises and different phases in a relationship. They are meaningful and inevitable and there is no need to take them away or avoid them. Some of the challenges and problems related to these difficult times can be prevented if we take care of the relationship early enough. couples coaching gives an opportunity to approach all emotions and thoughts with curiosity and then challenging times can become something that deepens the closeness between partners rather than separate partners from each other.

In daily life we don't stop enough and ask "what is going on in this relationship?" Coming to couples couching and having someone neutral to facilitate the session is healing as such and can open up new possibilities. In coaching it is easier to bring ideas into conversation that can be difficult to bring up at home. By observing, reflecting, dialoguing and shared understanding, partners self-knowledge increases and compassion toward themselves and toward the other grows.

Price: 130€/90 min. or 600€/5 sessions

Birth preparation sessions

These sessions are excellent complements to any childbirth education class. Learning to use our mind to work with pain and anxiety can make a huge difference in our labor and delivery experiences.

The goal is to have the mom and possibly her partner who joins her in labour to be calm and experience safety during the labour. Preparing together and exploring honestly all the beliefs, thoughts and feelings about labour makes it easier to cope with excitement and uncertainty. In addition, fears can be neutralized and released.


It is possible to have sessions together or alone at any phase of the pregnancy. During the 1,5 hour long session, we talk about things that might help during the different stages of labour. The earlier you start to prepare, the better it is in terms of finding strength, confidence and courage in yourself. All the stress reducing skills will help you to enjoy the months of pregnancy more as well as help you to be more relaxed as a parent.


I recommend the series of three sessions (in the beginning, in the middle of pregnancy and just before labour). That gives you support throughout and there is time to deepen your understanding as well as do practices that prepare you for labour. Anyhow you are welcome to choose, one session is better than not to prepare at all!

Price: 110€/session or 300€/3 sessions

My approach


I believe that the most important thing is a client/coach relationship rather than a specific practice or method. Spiritual growth is not becoming a better person or developing a project that has a deadline. It is more about remembering something that you have forgotten. It is a psychological and spiritual maturing process that continues forever. I create healthy limits in coaching sessions so that my clients can have authentic experiences, confronting radical honesty and compassion.


It is essential to see the whole and work with body, mind and emotions together. Combination of modern psychology and teachings from old wisdom traditions lead towards very practical spirituality that helps us navigate in everyday life. When we become more conscious, we can trust others more and it is therefore less difficult to accept life as it is even when we are facing challenges. 

There is no teaching nor teacher that can tell someone else how to live and what to do to be content. Every single human being has his own unique way of being and as we commit to ourselves truly, freedom will follow.


About me


My background is in physical therapy (specializing in pregnancy and babies). I also hold a bachelor's degree in business (arts marketing). As part of my lifelong love of learning, I participated in a nearly 6-year program in a modern spiritual school called Kehtokoulu and finished as a spiritual coach and teacher. I’m also a Mindfulness instructor, Pilates teacher and Kundalini yoga teacher (KRI). In addition, I've studied Hakomi (somatic psychotherapy), different meditation and relaxation methods, gestalt therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, spiritual Enneagram, Buddhism and Non-violent communication (NVC) and emotionally-focused couple therapy.


Intimate relationships, as a chance to grow, inspire me enormously. I encourage and invite couples to seek coaching early, when everything is going generally well in the relationship rather and than seeking coaching at the time of crisis. I see great value in preventive work in relationships. I support couples towards more authentic encounters and deeper closeness. As I've worked for years with mothers and families with babies, I see there is a great need for support when couples face the changes in the relationship after having a baby.


I have taught different kind of groups for over thirty years and teaching really enlightens me! Sharing what I've learned deepens my own personal understanding. I lecture and teach workshops regularly (at the current time only in Finnish). I am a mother of two wonderful girls, am divorced and have a partner. I'm grateful for both my kids and my partner. These relationships beautifully remind me daily that it is not always easy to get close to others and that it is really important to work on my own self. Furthermore, I find it very important to be connected to my true nature in order to thrive in life and in relationships.

© 2019 by Tuire Salminen

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